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Colour Schemes Made Easy

I have a confession to make. I am actually not very good at picking colours. I’m sure that some of you can relate to this. In this article, I am going to show you how to use a simple tool to generate a cool colour scheme for your brand or logo. In addition, I will also be showing you how to convert your electronic colour scheme to Pantone Colours.

Generating a Colour Scheme

We will be using the Coolors Wesbite as our colour scheme generator. Go ahead and head over to https://coolors.co

Simply start the colour generator and let your creativity fly. When you are happy with your selection, make sure to download a copy of your colour scheme in PDF. Make sure to record these colours in your Branding Guidelines Document if you have one.

Converting Electronic Colours to PMS

In a previous post, we talked about how important it is to use a physical colour referencing system such as the Pantone Matching System (PMS). Using the proper colour referencing ensures that your colours are printed correctly.
How to Pick Print Colours for Your Logo

You can find the closest matching PMS colours using the tool below:

You may not find an exact match but you will definitely find a shade that is very close to what you have selected. It is up to you to make adjustments to your electronic colour selection to match the available PMS colour.

Congratulations! You have just developed your own brand colour scheme in both electronic and print format.

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Papa Elf